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Rotary BCD Switch Proteus Library

Rotary BCD Switch Library Model for Proteus8 – Download Free

As we discussed in the previous post, here’s how to use the rotary BCD switch with or without an Arduino. I provided a basic overview of how these switches work. Now, I’ll share the BCD switch library for Proteus, which you can use in your projects.

BCD switches are used to set device addresses in communication systems like Modbus or CAN bus. They allow users to input parameters or settings into a digital system easily and accurately.

Rotary BCD Switch Library

Proteus does have BCD switches, but they offer a simple demonstration with only numbering, and their terminal labeling is different. So, I decided to create a model that looks just like the rotary switch I have and that you can find in various applications.

Rotary BCD Switch Proteus Model
Rotary BCD Switch Proteus Model

When using a it with an Arduino, you can read the state of each pin via the digital pins. By multiplying each value by its corresponding weight and summing these products, you can determine the decimal value. The Arduino code for this is provided in the previous post.

Download Library

Simply click on the button to download the library. You can refer to this post for instructions on how to install the library in Proteus 8. How to Download and install Library in Proteus (

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  1. Harun


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