Electronics Tree's Hands-On Journey

Welcome to Electronics Tree, where our name isn’t just a title—it’s a commitment to practical growth in your knowledge and skills. Think of it like planting a seed: we invite you to sow the curiosity seed and see it grow as you explore hands-on tutorials and practical content.


Simplify Proteus complexities! If it feels like a maze, fear not – we're your guide.


Arduino can sometimes be challenging, but don't worry! We're here to help you


Blender and Electronics, a perfect blend! Ever wondered how to control Blender with circuits?


A Free Blender Addon

The BlendixSerial Control add-on allows you to control 3D objects in Blender using a simple UART  interface. It enables you to connect to a serial port, receive data from the port, and use that data to control the position and rotation of objects in your Blender scene.

A Free Arduino Library

The BlendixSerial library is designed to work in conjunction with the blendixserial addon in Blender. It allows for controlling objects in Blender using serial communication with an Arduino or other microcontrollers.

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