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Blenixserial Arduino Library
Introducing the BlendixSerial library, a user-friendly tool designed to work alongside the blendixserial addon in Blender. This library allows you to easily control objects in Blender using serial communication with Arduino or other microcontrollers.

Blenixserial Blender Addon
Introducing BlendixSerial, an innovative Blender add-on that revolutionizes the way you control the movement of 3D objects within the Blender software. With BlendixSerial, you can effortlessly manipulate objects using Simple UART (Serial Communication), opening up a world of possibilities for creating captivating animations and visual effects.

Virtual Smoke Sensor Module
The virtual smoke sensor module lets you simulate a smoke sensor right on your computer! I built it using Processing, a platform that makes it easy to design interactive visuals. You can watch particles float across the screen, mimicking smoke, and even adjust how the sensor behaves by tweaking various settings. Plus, it can communicate with other devices using serial communication system.