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Rain Sensor Module Proteus Library

New Rain Sensor Proteus 8 Library | Download Free

I want to introduce my latest project: a Rain Sensor Library Model for Proteus! As a lot of you know, simulating real-world sensors is key to developing and testing electronic circuits properly. This Model is designed to help you easily add rain sensors to your projects.

This library model provides a user-friendly interface for simulating a rain sensor in the Proteus environment. It enables you to replicate the behavior of a real rain sensor, helping you visualize how your circuit will respond to different rain conditions without the need for physical components.

Rain Sensor Proteus Model

The rain sensor module I designed includes a linear sensor that provides an analog output, changing proportionally to the intensity of rain detected. You can adjust the rain sensitivity using the increment and decrement buttons on the module.

Rain Sensor Proteus Library Model
Rain Sensor Proteus Library Model

There’s also a digital pin that gives a digital value: by default, this pin is high when no rain is detected, and it goes low when rain is sensed, indicating an active-low operation. You can set the threshold for this pin in the model properties menu.

How to Use it with Arduino

Wiring the Rain Module to Arduino:

  • VCC (Sensor Pin) → Connect to the 5V
  • GND (Sensor Pin) → Connect to the GND
  • A0 (Analog Output Pin of the Sensor) → A0 (Analog Input Pin of Arduino)
  • D0 (Digital Output Pin of the Sensor) →  (Connect to any Arduino digital input pin)

Arduino Code

Proteus Simulation

Rain Sensor Model Proteus Simulation
Proteus Simulation

Download Library

Simply click on the button to download the library. You can refer to this post for instructions on how to install the library in Proteus 8. How to Download and install Library in Proteus (

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If you have any requests for Arduino Module Libraries in Proteus, please leave a comment or message us using the contact form.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Sevrelax

    Useful for me ,thank you

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