You are currently viewing Arduino Relay Modules Proteus Library : Made Easy with 1,2 and 4Channel Modules

Arduino Relay Modules Proteus Library : Made Easy with 1,2 and 4Channel Modules

Arduino Relay Module

Common applications of relay modules include controlling lights, motors, heaters, and other electrical appliances in home automation, industrial automation, and robotics projects. They are valued for their ability to interface between microcontrollers and high-power electrical devices, providing a level of electrical isolation for added safety.


Arduino Relay modules are widely used in various electronic projects, automation systems, and IoT (Internet of Things) applications. They provide a safe and efficient way to control high-power devices without exposing the low-voltage control circuit to the risks associated with high voltages.

Introducing the Arduino Relay Module Library

The Arduino Relay Modules Library for Proteus is a comprehensive collection of relay modules designed to seamlessly integrate with various microcontrollers available in Proteus. This library simplifies the simulation of circuits involving relays, making it easier for developers to validate their designs in a virtual environment.

What is Proteus?

Proteus is a popular simulation software that aids engineers and developers in designing, testing, and debugging electronic circuits. With its user-friendly interface and extensive component library, Proteus is widely used for simulating microcontroller-based projects.

The Need for Arduino Relay Modules in Simulation

Relays are crucial in control circuits, enabling the control of high-power devices through low-power microcontrollers. In real-world applications, relays play a vital role in automating processes, and their simulation is essential for accurate testing and debugging.

How to Get Started

Simply download and install it to start using the relay modules in your simulations. The download link is provided in the post below. Integrating the Relay Modules Library into your Proteus projects is a straightforward process. With just a few clicks, you can add relay modules to your circuit and simulate their interactions with other components.

Open the Relay Modules Library .zip file, and you will find two folders inside:
1. LIB
Identify the Proteus library folder on your computer. The default location for the library folder depends on your Proteus software version. For instance, in Proteus 8 Professional, the library folder is typically located at:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Labcenter Electronics\Proteus 8 Professional\DATA\LIBRARY

Once you are in the Proteus Library Folder, paste the files from the LIB Folder (which is from the Relay Modules Library Zip file) into this folder.
Now, go to the Proteus Model folder, which you can locate in the same place as the Library Folder:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Labcenter Electronics\Proteus 8 Professional\DATA\MODELS

Once you are in the Proteus Model Folder, paste the files from the MODELS folder (which is also from the Relay Modules Library Zip file) into this folder.
After adding these files, restart Proteus, and you will find all Relay Modules in the Pick Device Window.

Arduino Relay Modules


Here is the Simulation and Testing of 4 Channel Relay Module in Proteus.

How to install and use these Relay Modules in Proteus: You can watch this video for a better understanding.

You Can Also Download the Optical Fiber Simulation Model Library for Proteus.

Download Library

Simply click on the button to download the library. You can refer to this post for instructions on how to install the library in Proteus 8. How to Download and install Library in Proteus (

Please wait 10 seconds: after that, your download will begin

ZIP Password :

If you have any requests for Arduino Module Libraries in Proteus, please leave a comment or message us using the contact form.

This Post Has 13 Comments

  1. Shoaib Khan

    Thank you for your great effort in the field of the Internet of Things (IoT), smart technology, and Arduino boards. However, I’d like to point out:

    1. None of your videos have a voice.
    2. I need libraries for components like bulbs and batteries. Please provide these.???

  2. ercan

    zip şifresi yanlış

    1. Usman

      The password for the library zip file is:

  3. Danny

    The module files are’nt downloading.

  4. tembo

    whats the password to open the library

    1. Usman

      The password for the library zip file is:

  5. amru

    Hi Bro, can you share the library for LM 35 Module?

    1. Usman

      As soon as I upload it, I will share it with you

  6. brayan

    Hello, by chance could you share the lm35 library with me please 🙏

  7. snk

    Hey, i lined up every connection with a simple led circuit for the normally open and closed states. but it does not work. why??

  8. swayam

    i am getting to open zip file

  9. Feyzullah

    Thanks for your efforts. Can you make mini sd storage for Proteus?

  10. HIEN

    can not Password

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